Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Performing arts at KOW

WLT Performing Arts Showcase at Kings Theatre - Wednesday 26th June. 


Our Performing Arts dept travelled to Kings on 26th June to be part of the WLT performance event.  50 Hugh Sexey pupils rehearsed all day to create what can only be considered as a spectacular collage of physical arts, involving years 5 to 11. Schools from across the Trust set to the stage displaying dance, drama and music pieces created in class, through extra-curricular activities or re-created moments from their school shows. 


Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School committed 10 pieces to the event and every single performance was fantastic. Our pupils certainly brought an energy to the stage that was electric from beginning to end. Please celebrate with them as they have worked incredibly hard to pull so many pieces together and carry them out with such flair and accuracy. We must also remember it was our Year 8s last opportunity to represent their school in a performance arts capacity - we hope they all carry on their involvement in the Arts next year in their new setting. 


We mustn't however, forget to thank you for your parent/carer support. From finding costume pieces to clapping our pupils on stage you have been there throughout, making a positive contribution to the final pieces you witnessed on Wednesday. I must also quietly mention, HS parents, carers and close friends certainly know how to dominated the cheering opportunities. As a thank you, we thought we should add a picture of you all in our newsletter😂. Enjoy spotting yourself!
