Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve


PSHE Intent Statement


PSHE Education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. (PSHE Association 2019)

The Social Studies faculty at Hugh Sexey C of E Middle School aims to provide a coherent programme of personal, health, social, citizenship and careers education through a wide range of lessons, worship opportunities and complementary experiences. As a department we aim to encourage high aspirations so as to maximise progress and to enable all pupils to experience the joy of success.

Our aims for PSHE also reflect the Jigsaw PSHE syllabus which both work to equip pupils to live healthy, safe productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives through core themes of Being Me in my world; Celebrating differences; Dreams and Goals, Healthy me; Relationships, and Changing me.

Our PSHE programme provides opportunities for pupils to reflect on and clarify their own ideas and points of view while exploring the complex and sometimes conflicting range of personal, spiritual and British values and attitudes they may encounter now, and in the future.

PSHE aims to help pupils to:

• Identify their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements and what influences these.

• Explore their attitudes, values and beliefs about them and develop the skills, language and strategies needed to manage any issues should they encounter them in their lives.

• Apply academic skills such as critical thinking and resilience, to their approach to the study of PSHE.

• Promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

• Equip all pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe and be able to communicate when they do not feel safe

• Provide expert independent, up-to-date careers guidance that gives our pupils the best information and opportunities available and helps them progress into further education, training and employment.


PSHE makes a significant contribution to pupils’ SMSC development, their behaviour and safety and it promotes pupils’ wellbeing and this is built into our curriculum plans. PSHE promotes personal development by helping pupils to build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem, and to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions. It provokes challenging questions about health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.


In addition, amendments have been made at both KS2 and KS3 to develop a knowledge-rich spiral curriculum where pupils are taught at developmentally appropriate incrimates on repeating themes, allowing the establishment of a solid knoweldge base and strong levels of confidence. PSHE provides great opportunities for the pupils to learn in order to be successful in the world of work, in relationships forged throughout life and as a valued contributor to society as a whole. These tools consist of knowledge gained, behaviours learned and skills mastered which ensures that all learners have the opportunity to develop these attributes through their school experience.


Programmes of study, for PSHE have a clear plan for what pupils should know and be able to do in PSHE by the end of KS2 and KS3. This is explicit in planning and there is a shared understanding across all those who teach PSHE. The PSHE programme supports the pupils to thrive in a time of rapid change, with new and unpredictable opportunities and challenges constantly emerging. It takes the ‘learning opportunities’ outlined within the six core themes and helps develop the pupils’ concepts, skills and attributes and engage in respectful discussions about these issues.
