Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Quel temps fait-il? Describing the weather.

There are three different phrases for saying what the weather's like!


il fait...     il y a...     il _____


Here is the list from your vocab booklet:


TASK 1: Regardez le vidéo

Watch the video to learn how to say the weather 

(...and appreciate Miss Kendall's amazing selection of shirts.)


Try to memorise which weather goes with which phrase.

Quel temps fait il? What's the weather like?

Saying the weather in French


Copy these 3 bubbles and write the weathers around each.

(or open the worksheet below)



Write a short weather report saying what the weather is like in 5 different cities, e.g.

À Bristol, il fait beau et il y a du soleil.

Try to include conjunctions (et/mais etc.)

You can open the task above as a worksheet if you prefer:

TASK 4: LISEZ (reading) 

Read the weather report below as you listen to it:

La Météo

Extension 2 : Write your own weather report for the UK.
You can open the task above as a worksheet if you prefer:

Peppa Pig - La Neige

The Snow
