Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Les Lettres

Listen to each letter and repeat it out loud.


Which letters rhyme with B? (there are 7!)


Alphabet practise ideas:

  • Practise the letters of your own name.
  • Ask someone to use the recordings to spell words out for your to write.


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A [ah]

B [beh]

C [seh]

D [deh]

E [uh]

F [eff]

G [jeh]

H [ash]

I [ee]

J [jee]

K [kar]

L [ell]

M [emm]

N [enn]

O [oh]

P [peh]

Q [koo]

R [air]

S [ess]

T [teh]

U [oo]

V [veh]

W [doobluh veh]

X [ix]

Y [ee-grek]

Z [zed]

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