Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve


Year 8 

Today as our end of puzzle piece in Jigsaw we were going to be playing monopoly . Why? Because it consolidates much of what we have been learning about in dreams and goals : team work, making decisions, making frugal and pertinent financial decisions , saving, learning not to cheat, listening and negotiating . 
So… if you have a set go ahead and play . 
Another aspect of this puzzle unit was careers - use this time to research ideas about possible career paths using Gov.Uk site on career choices . We looked at it in class and it gives a very clear picture of qualifications, salaries and what to expect in the role selected 


You could log in to your 'Career Pilot' account and ensure you have completed your values survey - looking at what is important to you.  Once you have done this, you wll be signposted to careers that might suit you.  Go on and explore

Career Pilot Website click the link

Thinking about the return to school.

Friday March 5th.

This week  we will take a short break from our work on Human Rights to consider the imminent return to school. I have been chatting to my tutor group on teams and there are definitely some mixed feelings. PSHE is a subject in which we share our ideas and thoughts. in preparation for your return to school on Monday , here are some thoughts to consider: 

  • How do I feel about returning to school? 
  • It will be so great to meet up with my friends again. 
  • I am excited about real life lessons and not spending so much time on my devices. 
  • I am anxious about the virus and how I will manage at school. 
  • Will the testing make a difference? 
  • What I have learnt about myself during Lockdown. 
  • I am worried that I'm going to be very tired. I'm not used to getting out of bed so early. 

If you feel a little worried this weekend take a moment to yourself...

 February 26th Friday

Lesson Aim To examine the word Community. 

Look through the power point attached -in it, we look at the communities that we belong to. 

 This term we will be looking at Human Rights ,both in the UK and in other countries. 

Living in the World February 26th

Share the Love ❤️

Friday 12th February 

Thank you to all pupils who have shared their work in PSHE . Have a very restful half term and enjoy yourselves . 
Today is a Valentines themed activity . 
Draw , paint , bake, make a Love Heart ❤️ 

Then decide who you wish to tell that you love them - mum, sister, dad, carer, girlfriend, boyfriend, dog or maybe someone who has really helped you through the Lockdown 

Share or Display your heart or send your ideas for me to share on here . 

Friday 5th February Challenging bullying behaviour. Main Theme Disability. 

It has been brilliant to discuss Racism with our tutor groups and even more brilliant to hear your views.

This week we will be looking at eradicating bullying because of a person's disability.

We were saddened this week to hear of the passing of "Captain Tom" who raised money for charity in the run up to his 100th birthday. He focussed on the positives and did not let age or his lack of mobility prevent him from helping others. Think of the amazing athletes who are currently training for the Para-Olympics. And YET...


Young people are bullied because of their disability. Disablist language and words ; attitudes and sheer physical difficulties prevent many people from thriving and achieving. 

We will consider "what it means to be disabled." Challenge behaviour and look at barriers and solutions. 

Challenging disablist bullying in schools

This clip is from a workshop which took place in a large secondary school in Stockport. Pupils looked at insults, barriers and solutions that people with disability regularly face.

What counts as disabled?

 Creating a positive approach to disability. Firstly, Read the word document about what we consider disability is. Then complete at least two of the tasks: 

  • Think of all the words and names you have heard which could be insulting to a person with a disability. Isn't it amazing that there are so many ? Reflect on yourself...Have you ever been insulted in such a way? Have you ever used these words towards another yourself? How did you feel? How do you think the receiver felt? Have you ever used positive encouragement towards people with disabilities? Do you feel admiration and have you told that person how amazing they are? 


  • Write a list of the barriers that might prevent a disabled pupil from learning. eg The corridors are not wide enough for people in wheelchairs, people cannot read signs in certain fonts if they are dyslexic, 


  • Solutions: What helpful and realistic solutions can you think of? eg Create signs in different font and colour. 


  • Create one of the following: a role play, a poem,an information leaflet on one form of disability. 

                                                             Friday 29th January 

Hello Year 8  This week we will be taking a break from our work on relationships because it is Mental Health Awareness Week for children  February 1st - February 5th 

The theme is 

                                                               Express Yourself. 


In these challenging times, it is vital that we find ways to remain healthy . Not just physically but also in our minds. One way we can do this -is to discover ways of expressing our thoughts, ideas and feelings using our creativity. This week I will include a number of you tube clips which explore some ideas. The first is a an inspirational poem by Poet George about the word impossible. second is creative thinking and the third an inspirational story abot a transgender person who dreams of becoming a designer. 

Before we start -here is a poem which helped me to appreciate the here and now. 

   Yesterday is history

   Tomorrow is a mystery

   and today is a gift.

   That is why it is called the present                                               

Some Ideas ... 

  • draw a squiqqle... what can you turn it into in one minute? 
  • Attitude to Gratitude. Think of aspects of your life that you are thankful for. Maybe your pets, your food, your safety ( be specific.) eg Today I am really thankful for my partner because he has just come  and given me a bar of chocolate It really helps me to remain positive.  Can you create a thankful list for every day for a month? 
  • Can you draw a picture of all your dreams?
  • Are you musical? Create a piece of music or sound that lets your emotions out. 
  • Maybe you express yourself through food? what would you create as a meal or a cake if you could? I know a lot of you have been baking. 
  • I love poems.... make a list of all your favourite words... or words that describe how you feel about lockdown or just emotions. construct them into a poem. 
  • Dancing.... put on your favourite song and dance. 
  • What makes you feel good? 


Be great to see your ideas but really this is just an exercise in improving your own sense of well being... Enjoy!!!

Inspirational poem from George the Poet | Impossible by George the Poet | Short Film | Random Acts

Acclaimed artist George The Poet presents Impossible, a spoken word piece about self-belief in the face of personal battles and doubtful outsiders.#RandomAct...

What is creative wellbeing?

What is creative wellbeing? What kind of meanings arts and culture can create in promoting health and wellbeing? The video is produced by Taikusydän - The He...

Incredible Trash Fashion

This is an inspiring story of creative self expression in challenging circumstances.

Friday 22nd January Identify examples of racism and identify whether it is overt or covert racism?

Explain some reasons why racism is wrong and discuss your own opinion. 


To look closely at ways in which racism manifests itself in our society. 



Racism In its most simplistic definition - it is prejudice or discrimination directed at someone of a different race. 


Overt Racism : Intentional and\or obvious harmful attitudes or behaviours towards another minority individual or group because of the colour of his/her skin. 


Covert Racism: is a form of discrimination that is disguised and subtle rather than public or obvious .


Read the word document "what is racist?"


Have a think and hopefully a discussion whether you think each scenario is


Not Racist 



In our tutor time on Tuesday we can have a class discussion.

Friday 15th January Theme Relationships

Thank you to all of you who shared your ideas about the relationships that are important to you. Many of you talked about the importance of your pets. Today, we will be looking at the wider world. 

LO Identify the contributions of different cultures and communities to society and describe ways in which the UK is connected to the wider world. 

Task One What is the definition of the word CULTURE? 

One dictionary  definition I have found ," the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society" Do you agree? Think of all the different cultures that add to the diversity that is the UK today.

  This is an example of the food we enjoy whose origins are from different countries. Pasta for example -many think it comes from Italy but it is likely the descendant of ancient Asian noodles. What other food can you think of that you enjoy from other cultures? 

Task 2 

Look at the diagram... can you think of things ,other than food, that we enjoy from other cultures today?

eg Reggae style music originated in Jamaica, Hip-Hop dance originated in New York, Handball (that we learnt in PE ) originated in Germany. 

What examples can you think of?  Please share your ideas with me

Parts of culture.

Happy New Year to you all.

Our theme this half term is 



This is a verse from the Bible which talks about LOVE.

One of the most important words when it comes to happy and positive relationships.  

We will be looking closely at our own relationships but also promoting positive relationships  in the wider community. Tackling the word Racism, identifying basic human rights and looking at the term discrimination. 


PSHE is timetabled on a Friday afternoon but you can email at any time at any time with your ideas and work. 

Friday 8th January. 

L\O - To introduce the theme of relationships and identify positive relationships in our lives.

Starter : Write a list of all the people with whom you have a relationship with. You do not have to be genetically related.  Think of people who are important/not so important but influence you, who you like or dislike, people who might make you feel happy or people who make you sad or angry, people who inspire . 

Here is an example to get you thinking ( not in order of importance ) 

Dad, daughter, sister, brother, partner, best friends, colleagues, headteacher, pupils, cousin, neighbours, doctor, office staff, musicians , team mates in sport, politicians, postman, shop assistants, auntie, uncle, daughter's boyfriend, nephews, Your turn...Who are the people with whom you enjoy a positive and happy relationship with? Find\draw an image and label it with all the reasons that this person is so important to you. Here's an example.

This is my dad. I have always had a brilliant relationships with him.

Why? He is kind, supportive, I trust him ; he makes me laugh and I am always interested in his thirst for knowledge; he has similar interest in sport and books; he continues to support me now as an adult and was always there when I was a little girl. I know he loves me unconditionally.  



Sadly some relationships break down What causes this to happen?


Here are some ideas...

  • Lack of trust
  • Dishonesty
  • Lack of care and understanding
  • A Lack of listening
  • Judgemental
  • Lack of time 


Think of your own reasons that you fall out with the people in your life.

What can you do to improve this?

