Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Curriculum Intent and Overview

English Intent Statement:

At the heart of the English curriculum is the aspiration for all pupils to be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings effectively; both verbally and in written form. Also, pupils should be able to take their reader on a journey through time and place; an array of emotions and be able to persuade them to question their own thoughts and feelings. We want to empower our pupils to feel like writers: giving them opportunities to write a variety of different text types including newspaper reports, persuasive letters, descriptions, narratives, instructions and essays. Underpinning not only writing success but success across the curriculum is the ability to read. We strive to ensure that pupils not only comprehend the texts they read but are able to draw inferences from the words on the page: an important life skill that will help with all aspects of their school life and into employment. Our curriculum is varied and exciting. We aim to give our pupils an understanding of our world that both encompasses our British values and reaches beyond their own experience: giving them an understanding of cultures and challenges from outside of Somerset. Enthusing a passion for reading and a love for language flows through the work we do at KS2 and KS3. We endeavor to make our pupils lifelong readers. Pupils are supported in this by a well-stocked library.

English Curriculum Overview
