L'OBJECTIF: I can talk about my daily routine, and that of other people, and understand how to use reflexive verbs.
First we need to revise our present tense verb endings! Find your cards, look at the endings for regular -er verbs.
Can you conjugate this new verb, quitter (to leave)?
Translate the following sentences using the verb quitter:
1. I leave the house at eight o'clock.
2. She leaves the school at three thirty.
3. We leave the restaurant at quarter past ten.
4. They leave beach around midday.
TASK 2: Reflexive verbs (verbes pronominaux) have the same endings as regular -er verbs, but they have an extra particle added!
This extra bit shows you are doing something to yourself!
eg Je lave (la voiture) = I wash (the car)
but, Je me lave = I wash myself
TASK 3: Take one of the following reflexive verbs and conjugate it.
se réveiller - to wake up
se lèver - to get up
se coucher - to go to bed
se doucher - to shower
Make yourself a card to go in your mini booklet.