Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

LES VERBES PRONOMINAUX - reflexive verbs

L'OBJECTIF: I can talk about my daily routine, and that of other people, and understand how to use reflexive verbs.

Verbe parler (verbes en er - Présent de l'indicatif) - adjectifs possessifs - alain le lait

TASK 1: 

First we need to revise our present tense verb endings! Find your cards, look at the endings for regular -er verbs. 

Can you conjugate this new verb, quitter (to leave)?

Translate the following sentences using the verb quitter:

1. I leave the house at eight o'clock.

2. She leaves the school at three thirty.

3. We leave the restaurant at quarter past ten.

4. They leave beach around midday.

TASK 2: Reflexive verbs (verbes pronominaux) have the same endings as regular -er verbs, but they have an extra particle added!

This extra bit shows you are doing something to yourself!


eg       Je lave (la voiture) = I wash (the car)

but,    Je me lave = I wash myself

TASK 3: Take one of the following reflexive verbs and conjugate it.

se réveiller - to wake up

se lèver    - to get up

se coucher - to go to bed

se doucher  - to shower


Make yourself a card to go in your mini booklet.

PYF Reflexive Verbs - Present Tense

Alexa explains reflexive verbs. Watch this for a more detailed explanation!

Worksheet to practise reflexive verbs in the present tense, all pronouns.
