Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

British Values

Term 2 - KS2 British Values Webinar

Picture News British Values and Protected Characteristics for Children in KS2 Tuesday 14th November: 1.15pm-2pm KS2 pupils joined pupils from all over the country to participate in a 45-minute interactive session. They explored British Values and Protected Characteristics, helping to understand them better. Suitable for all children in KS2.   

Y8 RPE work on religion, justice and equality

Term 3 Picture News British Values and Protected Characteristics covers

Term 2 Picture News/ British Values, Protected Characterisitics and the UN Rights of the Child Coverage Document

Term 5 Picture news coverage of British Values, Protected Characteristics and UN Rights of the Child

Term 5: Democracy

Pupils had the pleasure of engaging in discussion and activities surrounding the coronation of the new monarch, King Charles III.  Y6 will be studying the Coronation as part of their upcoming unit on Britain since 1945.  They will compare and contrast the coronation of Charles in 2023 and his mother, Elizabeth in 1953.

Rule of Law: Building relationships with the Avon and Somerset Police

We were were excited to have the mounted unit of the Avon and Somerset Police visit us this month.  They came to talk with pupils about the work that the mounted unit does in helping to secure public order and support communities.  Pupils learned all about the police and civilian jobs within the police mounted unit

Democracy: Building relationships as career aspirations - Avon and Somerset police

Term 3: Religion, Justice and Equality

The Year 8s have been studying and unit that looks at how religion and belief teach about protected characteristics.  That have begun to understand that they needs to critically challenge one-sided perspective presented in Holy Books and challenge faith ideology that demonstrates intolerance.  Pupils have explored Bible and Qur'an scriptue and can now see how a wide range of ideas and opinions are expressed and the reasons why this this the case.  They are learning to identify scripture that supports tolerance and acceptance.

Term 2: British Values Democracy -  Virtual Visits to Parliament


As part of our citizenship programme, pupils had an opportunity to expereince of 'virual tour' of Parliament.  Our UK Parliament Education Officer, Morgan, led the pupils through the Houses of Parliament though a bit of virual reality - real footage was streamed through our Teams call.  Pupils were provided with question stimulum to discuss as a class and share back through the chat forum.  If would have been very difficult to lead visit to London for all 600+ of our pupils, but this way, we all got to share in a very important expereince.  The pupils were really engaged and asked some fantastic questions





Term 2 Picture News Coverage of British Values

Term 1: Celebrating our British Values as lived out by our Queen - we plant a tree in her memory - and the Eco-club take up responsibility for its care

Term 6: Picture News British Values and Rights of the Child Coverage document

Term 5: Learning about and demonstrating our British Values

Term 4: Learning about and demonstrating our British Values

Coverage Document Term 4: British Values shared through Picture News

An adventurous curriculum which challenges pupils to reflect on their shared British Values

Year 8 pupils have recently studied a unit in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics which looked at themes of Equality and Justice.  Pupils explored issues, past and present, where Britith Values such as Democracy, Rule of Law, Tolerance of faith and belief, Mutual Respect, and Individual liberty were inhibited.  They looked at the impact social and political change has had on our society and discussed what more, they believe, still needs to be done. This learning was also linked across the curriculum to work in History, where pupil learned about the Transatlantic Slave Trade and began to question how this legacy should be remembered, making local links to recent protest movements in Bristol.
