Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Year 7

 KS3 Remote Learning for Year 7 pupils: 

In the event of a local, school-wide or year-group lockdown, your Key Subjects (English, Maths, Humanities, Science and French) will use TEAMS to share instructions and resources for home learning and provide a means for you to hand-in and get feedback on your work. 


You will receive the following hours of required directed remote learning per week during any lockdown or year-group isolation period. Your revised weekly timetable will be emailed to your school email address.

English: 4 hours a week

Maths: 4 hours a week

Humanities: 3 hours a week

Science: 2 hours a week

French: 2 hours a week

Total: 15 hours a week (3 hours per day of Key Subject instruction)

Additional Other Foundation subjects (1 hour per day - minimum)


Teachers will be available during school hours via email or telephone, in addition, your subject teachers will be available on Teams to provide live support during their lesson's allocated timeslot through the ‘Chat’ function.  There will not be compulsory live-broadcast lessons.   


You are encouraged to devote more than the minimum amount of directed time to your study, and you should explore opportunities for learning in the other foundation subjects (PE, DT, Art, Computing, Music and PSHE).  Resources for these subjects can be found above in the subject folders.  Reading for pleasure is also highly encouraged and you are expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day.

