L'OBJECTIF: To extend your activity sentences
Can you remember the days of the week?
Listen, and fill in the blanks.
Lundi, _________________________________ avec _________________. C’est ______________.
Mardi, _________________________________ avec _________________. C’est ______________.
Mercredi, _________________________________
avec _________________. C’est ______________.
Jeudi, _________________________________
avec _________________. C’est ______________.
Vendredi, _________________________________
avec _________________. C’est _____________________.
Translate the sentences into English
Write 2 more sentences, for Saturday and Sunday.
Remember to say who you are doing each activity with, and give an opinion using C'est...
Add a room to each sentence, to say where you do it – it doesn’t have to be true! Use page 18 of your vocab booklet.
You could also add a piece of furniture and a preposition! eg. under the chair in the living room
With partner, make up a list of activities, one for each day, and memorise them.
Try to include extra details such as who with, or an opinion.
You can use actions to help you memorise it.
Learn to say it together at the same time.