Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Our Aims and Objectives



For pupils we aim to:

  • provide good order, develop self-discipline, stimulate, encourage and support so that each feels valued, confident and motivated.


For learning we aim to:

  • provide the skills for daily life and an education which develops every attribute of every student to the full.


For community and environment we aim to:

  • encourage a sense of responsibility and respect for the immediate environment, the world beyond and the individuals, groups and nations who share it.


For staff we aim to:

  •  foster the development and motivation of all staff within a spirit of mutual support and collaboration.




These objectives, derived from the aims, guide the school in relation to policies, daily practice and development.


For pupils we aim to:


  • encourage a willingness to help others and be co-operative, courteous and fair
  • develop self-confidence and self-esteem
  • encourage a positive attitude and a desire to give their best in all things
  • develop independence of mind, skill to organise their own lives, sense to judge wisely
  • promote enjoyment of learning and an enquiring mind.


For learning we aim to:

  • promote success in all aspects of learning and personal development
  • develop an appreciation of past achievement, an understanding of the present world and a readiness to face the future
  • use a range of teaching and learning strategies and resources so that every single pupil develops to fullest potential
  • encourage participation and initiative
  • extend pupils’ learning beyond the classroom
  • use methods of monitoring and assessment which identify strengths and needs and are helpful and encouraging to pupils and informative to parents
  • apply throughout the curriculum the principles of: equality of opportunity, differentiation, breadth, balance, relevance, coherence, continuity and progression and evaluation.


For community and environment we aim to:

  • create a school environment which is well-ordered and welcoming, well-resourced and stimulating, tidy, clean and safe
  • develop a sense of respect and responsibility for all that belongs to our school and to the people who work within it
  • work in partnership with parents and the local community
  • develop a sense of respect and responsibility for the care of the world environment
  • foster an appreciation of the shared humanity and interdependence of the world’s people.


For staff we aim to:

  • apply systems of recruitment, induction and support that will secure the best staff available
  • foster a sense of team spirit and mutual support
  • create an environment in which each individual feels valued and able and willing to contribute to the life and development of the school
  • foster personal and professional growth through staff development
  • ensure staff are equipped, supported and guided to work to the best of their abilities. 