L'OBJECTIF: I can say why I have items in my suitcase, using opinions, weather phrases and the future tense.
Revise the items from last lesson...how many can you remember in 2 minutes?
a tee-shirt
a (pair of) shorts
a hat
my mobile phone
a tourist guide
a swimming costume
a dress
some sun cream
a towel
some headphones
TASK 2: Can you remember how to say what isn't in your case? There are two ways. This song might remind you of one of them!
So how would you say 'I haven't got a towel'?
TASK 3: Parlez
Make positive and negative sentences for the following pictures..
eg. Dans ma valise il y a une serviette, mais je n'ai pas de maillot de bain.
Match these reasons to your sentences...
...parce qu'il fait chaud en Espagne.
...parce que je ne vais pas écrire des cartes postales.
...parce que je ne vais pas à l'étranger.
Add four more things you have, and haven't got, in your case, and give reasons.