Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve


These are 2 very important verbs - to be, and to have. Whatever foreign language you learn, these two verbs will be really important!

Task 1:

Find and correct the mistakes in these ENGLISH sentences!


1) We is English.

2) She are Welsh.

3) I has a headache.

4) They is wrong.

5) We has a good idea.

6) I is confused.


Task 2:

We can do this without thinking in English... but when people learn English as a foreign language, they have to learn it like this:


Fill in the verb TO BE in ENGLISH:



I _am_ happy.

You ____ happy.

He / she ____ happy.

We _____ happy.

They _____ happy.


Fill in the verb TO HAVE in ENGLISH:



I _have_ a dog.

You _____ a dog.

He / she _____ a dog.

We _______ a dog.

They _______ a dog.

Here are the same verbs in French:




je suis

= I am

nous sommes

= we are

tu es

= you are (this is the INFORMAL form of you)

vous êtes

= You are (this is the FORMAL and PLURAL form of you)

il / elle est

= he / she is

ils / elles sont

= they are

(elles for females and ils for males or a mixed group)


ÊTRE - to be

I am angry, you are angry, he is angry...



= I have

nous avons

= we have

tu as

= you have (this is the INFORMAL form of you)

vous avez

= You have (this is the FORMAL and PLURAL form of you)

il / elle a

= he / she has

ils / elles ont

= they have

(elles for females and ils for males or a mixed group)

AVOIR - to have

I have a pencil, you have a pencil, she has a pencil...

AVOIR (To Have) Conjugation Song - Present Tense - French Conjugation - Le Verbe AVOIR

Task 3:

Use the verb tables above to find the French words for: 


1) I am = 

2) I have = 

3) He is = 

4) She has = 

5) We are = 

6) We have = 


Tu or vous?

Tu - Use for talking to people your own age, or people you know well. It is INFORMAL.

Vous - Use for talking to people older than you, or who you need to be polite to. It is FORMAL.

Vous - You also use it for talking to more than one person, even if you know them well. It is PLURAL.


7) You are (to a friend, informal) = 

8) You are (when you are being polite, formal) = 

9) You have (informal) = 

10) You have (formal) =


Ils or elles?

Ils - for talking about a group of males, or a mixed group of males and females.

Elles - for talking about a group of females.


11) They are (m) = 

12) They are (f) = 

13) They are (mixed group) = 

14) They have (m) = 

15) They have (f) = 

TASK 4: 

Now translate these sentences back into English.


1) J'ai un chien.

2) Il est courageux.

3) Je suis timide.

4) Elle est américaine.

5) Nous avons trois chats.

6) Tu es fantastique!

7) Ils sont intelligents.

8) Vous avez les cheveux longs, blonds et frisés.

9) Tu as une soeur sympa.

10) Tu es une soeur sympa!

