Tutor Group: Year 7
Event/Activity: Faraday Challenge Day
On Tuesday 12 January 36 x year 7 children from Hugh Sexey took part in a Faraday Challenge Day, run by the IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology). They are partnered with the BBC using the new device that is part of their make-it digital programme. The device is called the micro-bit. It is an incredibly new device, so new that we were using prototypes! It is designed to get younger children more interested in technology and engineering. It was a very exciting day that gave us an insight of the job that our country’s engineers do! We were in 6 x teams of 6. We were asked to come up with an idea that uses the micro bit in everyday life. The winners were the Functionals and their school and the score has been put on the national leader board. That means that they could have a chance at entering another competition. All the teams tried really hard and produce some amazing products. We hope that we could do this again, since everyone really enjoyed it.
Written by: Maisie & Gracie