Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Normandy Trip Update

Normandy trip - Tuesday and Wednesday
The year 7s in Normandy spent Tuesday settling in to the site with breadmaking and swimming games at La Grand' Ferme, as well as archery and orienteering at the nearby Chateau de la Baudonniere. On Wednesday morning, the group ventured out to a market in the town of St. Hilaire, where pupils bought their own lunch and did some shopping for souvenirs. In the afternoon, we visited a goat farm where pupils learnt about cheese-making and fed, brushed and even milked the goats! The evenings have seen pupils doing a treasure hunt and initiative puzzles and playing volleyball and ping pong... as well of course as preparing for room inspections! Everyone is well, and looking forward to our visit to Mont Saint Michel on Thursday.