Girls' Hockey
Year seven hockey
The year sevens have been attending hockey club on a Wednesday.
Their first match was held at Wells Blue on Thursday 4th October. The A team , captained by Hannah Marsh got off to a very encouraging start. Beau Stitch and Sophie Boley scored two goals and this gave the team confidence. Freya Wills was encouraging and supportive of her team mates. In the second half , Wells Blue scored a goal which was the only goal to get past Goalkeeper Winnie White. The final score was 5-1 to Hugh Sexey.
The B team finished their first half 2-0 down. However they soon recovered well after a debut performance from Jemima Seagrove who proved to be a very solid sweeper. I was impressed with the way in which this team never gave up. The girls managed to score three goals and finally won a close match 3-2 .
Year eight Hockey
The year eights have been training hard on a Wednesday. The new MUGA has been great and the girls have enjoyed the new surface. Their first match as an eleven a side team was held at home versus Well Blue. The girls played very well and won their first match with skill and experience. This was their first eleven a side match and all seemed to enjoy this larger game. Lucy Olliff and Amy Carter pushed forward and scored 2 confident goals .
Final Score 5-0
KS 2 hockey
The girls at key stage two enjoyed an evening of hockey on Monday October 1st. Mrs. Callow has been training a very enthusiastic group of year five girls on a Wednesday and they displayed amazing skills as they played their first matches against year six.
The year six girls enjoyed playing seven a side and went onto win the intra school competition.
A truly encouraging start to the new season. Well done to all hockey players...