Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

HSMS Equestrian Team - Just for schools British Showjumping

It has been an exciting start for Hugh Sexey's team in this year's competition. 
Harriet (6FL) and Ferris (6AF) have already qualified as individuals to represent HSMS at the national championship in August!  This to be held at Stoneleigh and will be an overnight stay with the ponies at a very prestigious venue.
Iris (6MJ), Lulu (5JC) and Grace (8DJ) all had fantastic rounds at our first two competitions.  The season ends on the 30th June so there is still time for us to qualify as a school team as well as for more individuals to qualify. 
The competitive level of the children and ponies in this competition has been quite an eye opener and we've seen some really impressive riding from our children, where split timing of tenths of seconds has separated them from the winners. The children have represented school and supported each other with perfect behaviour, manners and sportsmanship - we are very proud of them.  They all say they are having fun and leave the arena smiling too!
The pictures below show some of the team in action sporting their fantastic school saddle cloths.