It was good to welcome the netball teams from Fairlands . Each year group was represented in this annual competition between the two middle schools . The event got underway despite the very damp and cold conditions.
Year 7 and year 5 started. It was a very close battle for the year sevens and the ball was travelling fluidly up and down the court. A last minute net from captain Kitty saw the final score at 2-1 to Hugh Sexey
The year five played brilliantly in their first match for the school . Olive the captain led her team to victory and the final score 7-1 to Hugh Sexey
Year eight and six played next. It was good to see the other teams cheering for their school.
Year eight played very calm netball and finally won 7-2 . Some excellent shooting from Tabitha and Sophia . Year six have been very keen at club and they played very good netball . Xanthe and Eva shot well and eventually won 8-2
Thank you to Mrs Pople from Fairlands for all her hard work in getting her teams to us here at school .
Very encouraging netball from both schools.