Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Textbooks for Kenya

For a number of years now, Hugh Sexey has been growing its relationship the Jolaurabi School in Kenya.  As a charity school, they are entirely reliant on donations from sponsors and generous contributors to fund and resource the teaching and learning at the school.  Last summer term, teachers and subject leaders were encouraged to inventory their stock of text books and where it was foundthat we had outdated textbook or resources which were surplus to requirement now, we decided to donate these to our friends at Jolaurabi School.  They were delivered recently and as you can see from the photo, the children are most excited.  As well as sending Maths, English and Science books, as a Church of England School, it was a pleasure to be able to send a series of Christian Education texts and to share the word of God with faithful youngsters within the Global Christian Community.

