Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

Year 5 House Netball Matches

 The year five girls have made excellent progress in netball and their skills and understanding of the sport are very promising. 

It was a chilly but dry morning. The house squads were divided into an A and B team . There was a separate competition for each team,  but the cup went to the winning house overall. Thank you to the year eight sports leaders who helped run a smooth competition : Megan , Emilia, Iris and Tilly G. 

I was impressed with the standard of play. Netball can be quite a complicated sport to learn , because each position is only allowed in certain areas of the court. However, the year fives all appeared to have learnt who could travel where and who was allowed to shoot. Footwork, however, needs a little attention ! 

There were some excellent interceptions and passing. 

Girls who were not playing became very encouraging cheer leaders. 

These are the final results . 

A competition 

1st Normans

2nd Vikings 

3rd Saxons

4th Celts 


B competition 

1st Normans 

2nd Saxons

3rd Vikings 

4th Celts 


Overall competition 

1st Normans 

2nd Vikings 

3rd Saxons 

4th Celts 
