Always a very competitive event, year eight house matches held on Thursday 15th was an extremely well played event.
It was nice to see so many girls enjoying their hockey and able to display their great team work .
Thank you to Mrs. Scott for helping with the officiating .
Vikings looked strong as many of the the team represent the school and attend club. Daisy BH led the team to an important victory against the Celts. Lowenna was a truly inspiring captain of the Celts and showed great perseverance in defeat. The Celt cheerleading was inspiring. Mary from the Normans, used her defensive skills to prevent a relentless attack. Ella H discovered a new talent as Sweeper for the Saxons.
At the end of the tournament, special mention was given to club player of each house and newcomer.
The final score was
Normans 10
Saxons 11
Celts 11
Vikings won 16 points.
Well done .. I hope that the girls will thrive in their hockey future.