Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School
Together we believe; Together we achieve

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  • Football Roundup

    Mon 07 Nov 2016 Mr Waterfield

    Football Match Reports and team photos from week commencing Monday 31st November to Friday 4th November.




    Monday 31st November- U13s Nationals Football at home to Fairland's. Thankfully this was a local game for the Nationals round 4; Fairlands travelled to Hugh Sexey's on a glorious afternoon.  Hugh Sexey's won the game comfortably 7-0 , by playing great team football.   Goals were scored by Louis Bougourd, who bagged a hat trick, as well as Harry Banwell, Charlie Marsh, Charlie Starks, and Luke O'Brien.  Well done to everybody involved.


    Tuesday 1st November - U12s were next to play their Nationals match AWAY to Millfield Prep School. 

    Playing on a lovely pitch at Millfield, Hugh Sexey's found themselves 1-0 down after Millfield scored an early goal.  Hugh Sexey's woke up and eventually got in the game, playing some brilliant football which saw them winning the game 6-1. Jacob Aberdeen bagged 4 fantastic goals, added to this was Ethan Floyd's penalt; Sam Callow's thunderous bullet shot wrapped up the game.


    Thursday 3rd November - U12s Girls playing their Somerset Cup match AWAY to Castle School in Taunton. Playing on a 3G pitch the girls immediately got stuck in and it wasn't long before the goals were being scored.  The team, run by Mr Lamb, should be very proud of itself as the level of football being played was superb and all the goals scored were fabulous.  

    The match finished 8-0 to Hugh Sexey's.  Goals were scored by: Izzy Cook (4), Harriet Griffiths (1)and Jemima Thurling (3).This was a real team effort; well done girls.


    On the same day the U13s played their Somerset Cup against Castle on the 3G pitch.  We knew this would be a very tough match as the boys at Castle are known for their footballing ability.  The game was a very close contest, and saw both teams defending like lions to prevent any goals from happening.  Louis Bougourd opened the scoring account with a lovely finish into the bottom corner.  Castle kept the pressure on and eventually equalised. 

    The game finished as 1-1 draw; next was a penalty shoot out.  Hugh Sexey kept their nerves and scored all 5 penalties and won the shootout 5-4.  Great penalties taken by Harry Banwell, Charlie Starks, Louis Bougourd, Matthew Nicolaides, and Jacob Westbrook.  A great save by keeper Morgan Roberts too! Well done everyone!


    Friday 4th November - U14 girls Somerset Cup AWAY to local King Alfred's school. On a cold chilly afternoon we were up against King Alfred's in Burnham on Sea. Hugh Sexey's started the game very brightly and were constantly putting the pressure on King Alfred's - only  their superb goal keeper  kept them in by pulling off some great saves.  Then Izzy Cook broke the deadlock and scored a great solo goal. 

    The back four of Whittingham, Tucker, Bewley, and Powell were solid and defended really well.  The Midfield four, Ashurst, White, Roy and Pettitt piled the pressure on with some great passing football, which gave the front two -Cook and Watson- plenty of opportunities to create goals. 

    Thurling, Carrington, and Watkins came on at half time and fitted into the team superbly, continuing the good work.  As the second half progressed Ashurst slotted the ball home, after a howler from the keeper, to settle the game.  A special mention must go to our keeper Puddy, who was solid all game and who is improving greatly every game.


     This was a great game to watch girls, well done!

  • HSMS vs Fairlands Under 13s Boys' Hockey

    Thu 03 Nov 2016 Mr McGrath
    Hugh Sexey entertained Fairlands under 13s boys hockey team on a crisp Wednesday afternoon. The boys have been eager to start a team and Mrs Allen and Mrs Callow have worked hard to get them prepared for this, their first competitive game of the year. Both teams were eager to get the ball moving, and the experience of Charlie Jackson helped give the Hugh Sexey team some shape. Hugh Sexey came close early on after skilful work from Louis Bougard. Fairlands also threatened but were prevented from scoring by committed defending. The game was played in a really good spirit and it was pleasing to see some different faces representing Hugh Sexey teams. In the end Fairlands won the fixture 2 - 0. Their greater experience of playing started to show as the game went on and they were a little more clinical in front of goal. Owen Tollman gave a super showing in goal, earning praise from spectators and players alike. He was agile and fearless, regularly throwing himself in the way of goal bound shots. All of the players should be very proud of their efforts.
  • Year 6 Get To Grips With Water

    Wed 02 Nov 2016 Mrs Best
    At the start of October all of Year 6 visited Ashford Reservoir near Cannington to learn how the water gets from our rivers to our taps.
    We had a tour of the reservoir and the factory where the water is treated to make it safe for us to drink.
    In the school room we tested samples of water to determine their pH levels and nitrate content.
    Outside we actually got in the river and measured the depth and width of the river to enable us to draw a cross section back in school.
    6SB and 6AF both presented class assemblies based on the trip to Ashford Reservoir.
  • Senior Mendip Cross Country Races

    Tue 01 Nov 2016 Mr Jackson

    The Senior Mendip Cross Country league reached a swift conclusion with the final two races taking place in consecutive weeks.


    Hannah continued her success by achieving a podium finish in all three races that make up this league.


    With a competing fixture on the same day, we were without a Year 8 team for the final race but Hannah, Millie, Euan, Ewan, Jack and Nathan all ran fantastically for our Year 7s.


    No team winners trophy this year but the Year 7 boys team had three top 10 finishers in the last race.


    The course for the final race was closer to the show jumping variety of cross country than the version our runners are more used to.


  • A visit to the Buddhist Centre in Bristol

    Tue 01 Nov 2016 Ms Taylor
    On Thursday 20 October, 40 pupils travelled to the  Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Bristol. There they met ordained and resident Buddhists, and asked lots of great questions about living a modern life as a follower of Buddhism.  The pupils all participated in a quiet  meditation session, after which they felt more peaceful and calm.   The morning sessions provided the  opportunity to reinforce pupils' leaning regarding the lessons Buddha taught his followers.

    In the afternoon, the pupils investigated many of the interesting and exciting artefact around the centre, sketching and writing about what they have learned. The children enjoyed a very unique day out.
